Jin Zijing 1-02

Photo Jin Zijing 1-02

Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
403.73 km
Average height
27612.01 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information Jin Zijing 1-02

Spacetrack Directory Name Jin Zijing 1-02
Orbit launches 2021-03-22
Starting point TYMSC (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan)
Height Jin Zijing 1-02 403.73 km

Additional information Jin Zijing 1-02

Test in orbit different technologies not yet space qualified and crucial for the further development and exploitation of miniaturized space platforms: in-orbit test of attitude determination/control architecture, commercial GPS receivers, IRIDIUM signal exploitation, test of a Software Defined Radio, Earth imaging with a multispectral camera. Payloads to be qualified in space include: IRIDIUM modem to support bidirectional transmission, commercial GPS receivers to provide both orbital and attitude determination via differential techniques, PCB-embedded magnetorquers for attitude control, InGaAs new generation solar cells, multispectral camera for multi-band Earth imaging, transmission protocols based on software defined radio technology.

satellite Jin Zijing 1-02 Date of exalting 22.03.2021y. Average height of ISS Jin Zijing 1-02 hundred 403.73 km. Average velocity Jin Zijing 1-02 is 27612.01 km/h. Inclination Jin Zijing 1-02 satellite 97.47°.

Average orbit height Jin Zijing 1-02

Average velocity Jin Zijing 1-02

Average inclination Jin Zijing 1-02

Update time: 2024-02-13 23:11:09
Average height of ISS Jin Zijing 1-02 is: 403.73km
Average velocity Jin Zijing 1-02 is: 27612.01km/h
Average orbit height Jin Zijing 1-02 is: 97.47°
Jin Zijing 1-02 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2021-03-22