Full disclosure United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
Participating countries ALB, DZA, ARG, Australia (AUS), AUT, Belgium (BEL), BEN, Bolivia (BOL), BRA, BGR, BFA, CMR, CAN, TDC, CHL, CHN, Colombia (COL), CUB, CZE, Ecuador (ECU), EGY, FRA, Hungary (HUN), DEU, GRC, India (IND), IDN, IRN, IRQ, ITA, Japan (JPN), Kazakhstan (KAZ), Republic of Kenya (KEN), LBN, LBY, MYS, Mexico (MEX), Mongolia (MNG), NLD, NIC, NER, NGA, PAK, PER, PHL, Poland (POL), PRT, KOR, ROU, RUS, SAU, SEN, SLE, SVK, ZAF, ESP, SDN, SWE, CHE, SYR, THA, TUR, GBR, USA, Ukraine (UKR), Uruguay (URY), VEN, VNM
WWW United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Committee_on_the_Peaceful_Uses_of_Outer_Space
Type Multinational