Journey back to Earth: Aeolus'...

2023-08-08, 20:41 ESA

ESA?s wind mission Aeolus is coming home. After five years of improving weather forecasts, the satellite will return in a first-of-its-kind assisted reentry. At ESA?s Space Operations Centre in ...

Aeolus reentry: the breakdown

2023-08-08, 20:26 ESA

After a remarkable life in orbit, Aeolus is out of fuel and out of time ? it?s returning to Earth this week. Planned and built before any regulations were put in place on ?end-of-life? disposal, the ...

Hark! A mystery sign in space...

2023-08-08, 19:56 ESA

A message will soon be received from outer space and you are invited, along with the global community, to decipher it. Does its messenger, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, count as extraterrestrial ...

Mission control is GO for Euclid launch

2023-08-08, 19:41 ESA

No ESA mission can fly until the pre-launch briefing is complete and we have the all important group photo. This is the team that will fly Euclid and settle it into its new home in space, all the ...