All eyes on the Arctic Weather Satellite

2024-04-04, 16:23 ESA

ESA's new Arctic Weather Satellite has taken centre stage at OHB's facilities in Stockholm, Sweden, before the spacecraft is packed up and shipped to California, US, for a launch currently scheduled ...

Saharan dust plume

2024-04-03, 17:59 ESA

A large dust storm originating from the Sahara Desert has engulfed skies across the central Mediterranean Basin. The suspended particles brought haze and poor air quality.Images from the Copernicus ...

Solar Orbiter prepared for...

2024-04-03, 06:25 ESA

Mission control to Solar Orbiter. Come in Solar Orbiter?"It's our worst-case scenario," says flight controller Daniel Lakey. "If Solar Orbiter were to experience some major issue on board, and then ...

Earth from Space: The Amazon plume

2024-03-29, 14:00 ESA

The Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission takes us over northern Brazil, where the Amazon River meets the Atlantic Ocean.Zoom in to explore this image at its full resolution or click on the circles to learn ...

Radar journey to centre of...

2024-03-27, 17:26 ESA

A small, shoebox-sized spacecraft delivered to ESA's Hera mission this week promises to make a giant leap forward in planetary science. Once deployed from the Hera spacecraft at the Didymos binary ...

Vegetation gets a boost with data...

2024-03-27, 12:56 ESA

When it comes to predicting what our climate will be like in the future, vegetation matters. Plants and trees exert a powerful influence over both the energy cycle and the water cycle. And, ...

Euclid's sight restored

2024-03-26, 15:02 ESA

A newly devised procedure to de-ice Euclid's optics has performed significantly better than hoped. Light coming in to the visible ?VIS' instrument from distant stars was gradually decreasing due ...

SMOS and Swarm team up to spot huge...

2024-03-26, 14:02 ESA

The Sun erupted over the weekend, flinging electromagnetic radiation towards Earth, even illuminating skies with spectacular aurora borealis. For the first time, ESA's unlikely space weather duo of ...

Building ChatGPT-style tools with...

2024-03-25, 13:23 ESA

Imagine being able to ask a chatbot, "Can you make me an extremely accurate classification map of crop cultivation in Kenya?" or "Are buildings subsiding in my street?" And imagine that the ...

Earth from Space: Southeast Kenya

2024-03-22, 11:51 ESA

The striking contrast of the diverse landscape in southeast Kenya is featured in this false-colour image captured by Copernicus Sentinel-2.Zoom in to explore this image at its full resolution or ...