Canada in 3222 RADARSAT Constellation Mission images

Canadian Space Agency

The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) consists of three Earth observation satellites. It helps with maritime surveillance, disaster management and ecosystem monitoring in Canada and around the world.

This mosaic of the whole country is made up of 3222 RCM images. Each pixel represents 400 m?.

It is possible to generate a new mosaic every 12 days, and thereby regularly monitor the entirety of Canada's territory.

Images captured between 2023-08-01 and 2024-02-25. (Credit: RADARSAT Constellation Mission image ? Government of Canada [2024]. RADARSAT is an official mark of the CSA. Data processed by the Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation of Natural Resources Canada.)

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File size: 1.79 MB Image size: 4080 x 2640 pixels Resolution: 240 dpi

Photo taken on February 25, 2024

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Published: 2024-06-18 00:57