Earth from Space: Kunshan, China


This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image captures the intricate blend of natural, rural and urban landscapes around Kunshan, a city in eastern China.

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Situated in the heart of the Yangtze River Delta region in Jiangsu Province, Kunshan is home to about 1.6 million people. It nestles between the major hubs of Shanghai to the east and Suzhou to the west.

Kunshan covers over 900 sq km of mostly flat terrain. Owing to its low-lying geography, the city has historically been prone to flooding, a challenge exacerbated by rapid urbanisation. In response, Kunshan has implemented a polder system consisting of dikes with waterways managed through gates and pumps.

Zooming into the urban areas, the smaller red buildings typically indicate houses, while larger white and light-blue buildings denote factories and warehouses.

Kunshan is also known for its well-preserved ancient water towns, including Zhouzhuang, the most famous in China. Dating back more than 900 years, Zhouzhuang, at the bottom centre of the image, is known for its ancient houses and scenic waterways.

The city is also dotted with numerous lakes, the largest of which visible in the image include Dianshan Lake, partially visible in the bottom centre, Cheng Lake to its left, and Yangcheng Lake at the city edge in the top left.

Yangcheng Lake is an important freshwater resource for the whole province and is famous for the Chinese mitten crab, which is considered a delicacy. The rectangular crab farming ponds are clear to see in the middle of the lake, while water plants stand out in bright green.

Rivers and forests cover more than a quarter of the city. The Wusong River, visible in light green across the centre of the image, winds through the city, while smaller rivers form a grid-like pattern.

Covering an area of around 15 sq km, Forest Park, an ecological wetland filled with a variety of plants, and Tinglin Park, known for its lush green peak and pristine waters, offer scenic escapes from the urban centre.

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Published: 2024-10-04 11:52