Taking Earth's temperature from...

2024-03-14, 17:22 ESA

Climate change exacerbates droughts by making them more frequent, longer, and more severe. This can have a wide range of impacts on the environment, agriculture, ecosystems and communities including ...

Shoebox-sized Milani CubeSat joining...

2024-03-14, 14:52 ESA

The shoebox-sized Milani CubeSat, which will perform close-up mineral prospecting of the Dimorphos asteroid, is ready for delivery to ESA's Hera asteroid mission for planetary defence. The spacecraft ...

Arctic Weather Satellite tested for...

2024-03-14, 13:52 ESA

ESA's Arctic Weather Satellite has passed its environmental test campaign with flying colours ? meaning that the satellite has been declared fit for liftoff and its life in the harsh environment of ...

NASA Armstrong Updates 1960s Concept...

2024-03-13, 19:58 NASA Newsy

NASA researchers are looking at the possibility of using a wingless, unpowered aircraft design from the 1960s to gather atmospheric data on other planets ? doing the same work as small satellites but ...

Human Health Studies Occupy Schedule...

2024-03-13, 17:25 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The International Space Station's population is back down to seven as Monday saw the departure of NASA's SpaceX Crew-7. The seven orbital residents of Expedition 70 spent Wednesday conducting a ...

Zero-Boil-Off Tank Experiments to...

2024-03-13, 01:19 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

Do we have enough fuel to get to our destination? This is probably one of the first questions that comes to mind whenever your family gets ready to embark on a road trip. If the trip is long, you ...

NASA's Europa Clipper Mission...

2024-03-12, 22:19 NASA Newsy

Processing of the large solar arrays built for NASA's Europa Clipper is now underway inside the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Planned to ...

NASA Astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and...

2024-03-12, 21:49 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

In this image from Jan. 12, 2024, NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli (left) and Loral O'Hara pose with a copy of "First Woman", NASA's first graphic novel, inside the International Space Station's ...

Splashdown! NASA's SpaceX Crew-7...

2024-03-12, 15:01 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

NASA's SpaceX Crew-7 completed the agency's seventh?commercial crew rotation mission to the International Space Station on Tuesday after splashing down safely in a Dragon spacecraft off the coast of ...

President's NASA FY 2025 Funding...

2024-03-11, 21:29 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Biden-Harris Administration Monday released the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2025, which includes funding to invest in America and the American people and will allow NASA to continue ...