Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
201 Days in orbit
423.72 km
Average height
27572.95 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information SOYUZ-MS 13

Spacetrack Directory Name SOYUZ-MS 13
Orbit launches 2019-07-20
Deorbitation date 2020-02-06
Days in orbit 201
Country/organisation of origin Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR) (CIS)
Starting point TYMSC (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan)
Height SOYUZ-MS 13 423.72 km

Additional information SOYUZ-MS 13

Soyuz MS-13, also designated ISS flight 59S, is a Soyuz spaceflight launched on 20 July 2019 ? the day of the first moon landing ? carrying three members of the Expedition 60 crew to the International Space Station: a Russian commander, an American and a European flight engineer. MS-13 was the 142nd flight of a Soyuz spacecraft. It was at one point the last Soyuz flight contracted by NASA in the expectation that subsequent astronaut transport would be provided by the Commercial Crew Program, but in early 2019 NASA sought to purchase two additional Soyuz seats to provide greater certainty given delays in that program.

Average orbit height SOYUZ-MS 13

Average velocity SOYUZ-MS 13

Average inclination SOYUZ-MS 13

Update time: 2020-02-06