TOP #7
Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
39699.9 km
Average height
10448.06 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ASTRA 1P (SES 24) - ASTRA 1P

Spacetrack Directory Name ASTRA 1P (SES 24)
Alternative name ASTRA 1P
Group SES
Follow ASTRA 1P (SES 24) ASTRA 1P (SES 24) Tracker
Group follow SES Tracker SES
Pass predictions ASTRA 1P (SES 24) Pass predictions ASTRA 1P (SES 24)
Orbit launches 2024-06-20 (7 months ago)
Days in orbit 218
Country/organisation of origin SES
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
Perigee 331 km
Apogee 53369 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.07°
Laps per day 1
Height ASTRA 1P (SES 24) 39699.9 km



Average orbit height ASTRA 1P (SES 24)

Average velocity ASTRA 1P (SES 24)

Average inclination ASTRA 1P (SES 24)

Update time: 2025-01-24 13:19:08
Average height of ISS ASTRA 1P (SES 24) is: 39699.9km
Average velocity ASTRA 1P (SES 24) is: 10448.06km/h
Average orbit height ASTRA 1P (SES 24) is: 7.12°
ASTRA 1P (SES 24) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2024-06-20
ASTRA 1P (SES 24) is from 218 days Days in orbit.