Aero Engineer Brings NASA into...

2023-11-28, 21:52 NASA Newsy

The field of aerial vehicle autonomy focuses on self-reliance, building the flight equivalent of puppets without puppeteers. Behind the scenes, however, is a rich network of people and systems that ...

La Movilidad Aérea Avanzada Ayuda al...

2023-11-22, 18:52 NASA Newsy

Lee esta historia en inglés aquí.Hoy podemos recibir paquetes más rápido que antes gracias a los pedidos en línea y los servicios de entrega rápida. La demanda de este tipo de entrega rápida ...

Indigenous Student Brings Skills,...

2023-11-17, 20:20 NASA Newsy

On hot, summer days when Alyssa Warrior was growing up, she spent her time outside by her home on the Seneca Nation Cattaraugus Reservation near Buffalo, New York. She lay in the creek to escape the ...

Advancing Technology for Aeronautics

2023-11-17, 20:05 NASA Newsy

The future of flight looks very exciting, and the public is helping NASA see it more clearly. For more than a century, NASA and its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, have ...

Five Ways NASA Supercomputing Takes...

2023-11-17, 19:50 NASA Newsy

NASA high-end computing plays a key role in taking many agency missions from concept to application in the real world. From increasing accuracy of global weather forecasts for forecast entities (like ...

NASA Selects Awardees for New...

2023-11-16, 19:25 NASA Newsy

NASA has selected three university-led teams for the first round of a new technical challenge pursuing innovative aviation maintenance practices.These university teams will receive funding from NASA ...

Modeling Turbofan Engines to...

2023-11-15, 22:17 NASA Newsy

To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 videoAirplane engines are loud ? just ask anyone who lives near an airport. Increased air ...

NASA?s X-59 Goes from Green to Red,...

2023-11-15, 19:00 NASA Newsy

NASA?s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft continues to make progress, most recently moving to the paint barn at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works? facility in Palmdale, California.The X-59?s paint scheme will ...

SpaceX Falcon 9 First Stage Lands!

2023-11-10, 07:36 NASA Newsy

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket?s first stage successfully landed on SpaceX?s Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. Today?s launch marked the ninth flight on the Commercial ...

Space X Dragon Separates from Second...

2023-11-10, 07:21 NASA Newsy

SpaceX?s uncrewed Dragon spacecraft has separated from the company?s Falcon 9 rocket?s second stage as the spacecraft continues its journey to the International Space Station for NASA, delivering ...