Dragon Safely on its Way to Space...

2023-11-10, 07:06 NASA Newsy

SpaceX?s Dragon spacecraft ? carrying about 6,500 pounds of critical science, hardware, and crew supplies ? is on its way to the International Space Station following a successful launch from NASA?s ...

Liftoff! NASA?s SpaceX Mission Lights...

2023-11-10, 06:51 NASA Newsy

The rocket has powered off of the pad! At 8:28 p.m. EST, SpaceX?s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from NASA Kennedy Space Center?s Launch Complex 39A in Florida, starting the Dragon spacecraft?s ...

NASA Sending Important Science to the...

2023-11-10, 06:36 NASA Newsy

Tonight?s launch of NASA?s SpaceX 29th Commercial Resupply Services mission is set for 8:28 EST, from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Our live broadcast is underway. You can ...

Counting Down: 10 Minutes Until Liftoff

2023-11-10, 06:21 NASA Newsy

Launch preparations are well underway, and the countdown remains on track for SpaceX?s 29th cargo resupply launch to the International Space Station for NASA. In approximately 10 minutes, at 8:28 ...

NASA?s SpaceX CRS-29: Countdown and...

2023-11-10, 06:06 NASA Newsy

Here?s a full look at the countdown and ascent milestones for tonight?s launch, targeted for 8:28 EST from Launch Complex 39A at NASA?s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. All times are ...

Foods Launching on NASA?s SpaceX...

2023-11-10, 05:51 NASA Newsy

Hey, it?s not all science, technology, and research. The crew aboard the International Space Station also has to eat! Here is a list of foods launching on NASA?s SpaceX 29th Commercial Resupply ...

NASA Begins Live Launch Coverage from...

2023-11-10, 05:36 NASA Newsy

Good evening and a hearty ?hello? from NASA?s Kennedy Space Center in Florida! A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, with the company?s Dragon spacecraft atop, stands ready for liftoff at historic Launch Complex ...

Main Engine Cutoff; First Stage...

2023-11-10, 05:21 NASA Newsy

The nine Merlin engines in the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket?s first stage have finished their burn, and the first stage has separated from the vehicle.As the second stage continues carrying the company?s ...

Weather Perfect for NASA?s SpaceX...

2023-11-10, 02:05 NASA Newsy

Meteorologists with Cape Canaveral Space Force Station?s 45th Weather Squadron are calling for 100% favorable weather conditions for launch of tonight?s SpaceX 29th commercial resupply services ...

NASA?s SpaceX 29th Commercial...

2023-11-10, 01:50 NASA Newsy

Good evening and welcome to live launch coverage of NASA?s SpaceX 29th Commercial Resupply Services mission to the International Space Station! It?s a beautiful evening here at NASA?s Kennedy Space ...