Spacewalk Dates Adjusted; Cargo Ops...

2023-10-17, 00:29 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

As a result of the ongoing review by NASA managers and engineers after a coolant leak from a backup radiator on the International Space Station?s Nauka multipurpose laboratory module, a spacewalk ...

Research, Maintenance Keep Crew Busy...

2023-10-13, 21:18 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

International Space Station managers have rescheduled a pair of spacewalks as they continue to review data from a backup radiator leak that has since ceased. In the meantime, the Expedition 70 crew ...

Earth from Space: Bentiu, South Sudan

2023-10-13, 12:30 ESA

The landscape around the city of Bentiu in South Sudan is featured in this Copernicus Sentinel-2 image.Zoom in to explore this image at its full 10 m resolution or click on the circles to learn ...

Antarctic ice shelf demise

2023-10-13, 09:58 ESA

New research, based largely on information from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 and ESA?s CryoSat satellite missions, has revealed alarming findings about the state of Antarctica's ice shelves: 40% of ...

Spacewalks Rescheduled as NASA...

2023-10-13, 01:25 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

Two United States operating segment spacewalks outside the International Space Station have been rescheduled for no earlier than Thursday, Oct. 19, and Monday, Oct. 30, as a result of ongoing review ...

NASA Updates Commercial Crew Planning...

2023-10-12, 18:24 NASA Newsy

NASA and its industry partners Boeing and SpaceX are planning for the next set of missions to the International Space Station for the agency?s Commercial Crew Program.Crew-8NASA?s SpaceX Crew-8 ...

NASA Updates Commercial Crew Planning...

2023-10-12, 17:54 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

NASA and its industry partners Boeing and SpaceX are planning for the next set of missions to the International Space Station for the agency?s Commercial Crew Program.Crew-8NASA?s SpaceX Crew-8 ...

Spacewalks Postponed as Managers...

2023-10-11, 22:01 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

NASA engineering and flight control teams are continuing to review data and video associated with a coolant leak from a backup radiator on the station?s Nauka multipurpose laboratory module (MLM). ...

Tuesday Sees Space Physics, Human...

2023-10-10, 23:16 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Expedition 70 crew worked throughout Tuesday on space physics and human research aboard the International Space Station. Two astronauts are also gearing up for a spacewalk on Thursday to ...

Measuring nutrition in crops from space

2023-10-10, 16:58 ESA

With many people around the world suffering from various forms of malnutrition it?s important that the absolute basics such as rice, soya and wheat are as nourishing as possible. ESA-funded research ...