Five Ways NASA Supercomputing Takes...

2023-11-17, 19:50 NASA Newsy

NASA high-end computing plays a key role in taking many agency missions from concept to application in the real world. From increasing accuracy of global weather forecasts for forecast entities (like ...

Earth from Space: North Channel

2023-11-17, 13:18 ESA

The North Channel, between Northern Ireland and Scotland, is featured in this false-colour radar image from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission.Zoom in to explore this image at its full resolution or ...

Spacecraft fall silent as Mars...

2023-11-17, 10:18 ESA

The space between Earth and Mars is usually buzzing with science data, telemetry and commands racing to and from almost a dozen missions at the Red Planet. But for roughly one and a half days this ...

Station Research Benefits Humans on...

2023-11-17, 00:59 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

A variety of research taking place today on the International Space Station is helping NASA and its partners support crews living and working off the Earth. The ongoing Expedition 70 investigations ...

NASA Selects Awardees for New...

2023-11-16, 19:25 NASA Newsy

NASA has selected three university-led teams for the first round of a new technical challenge pursuing innovative aviation maintenance practices.These university teams will receive funding from NASA ...

Modeling Turbofan Engines to...

2023-11-15, 22:17 NASA Newsy

To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 videoAirplane engines are loud ? just ask anyone who lives near an airport. Increased air ...

NASA?s Cold Atom Lab Sets Stage for...

2023-11-15, 21:17 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The remotely operated facility aboard the International Space Station has created another tool that researchers can use to probe the fundamental nature of the world around us.For the first time in ...

Robotics Activities Continue; Crew...

2023-11-15, 21:00 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

Another busy day of science activities is underway for the Expedition 70 crew and robotics ground controllers following the arrival of SpaceX?s Dragon cargo spacecraft last weekend. The seven members ...

NASA?s X-59 Goes from Green to Red,...

2023-11-15, 19:00 NASA Newsy

NASA?s X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft continues to make progress, most recently moving to the paint barn at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works? facility in Palmdale, California.The X-59?s paint scheme will ...

Italy's Mount Etna spews lava

2023-11-15, 16:00 ESA

One of the world?s most active volcanoes, Mount Etna, erupted on Sunday ? spewing lava and clouds of ash high over the Mediterranean island of Sicily. This image, captured on 13 November by the ...