Astronauts Relax Before Space...

2023-08-02, 19:27 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

Expedition 69 is awaiting an orbiting U.S. cargo craft carrying over 8,200 pounds of science and supplies for delivery on Friday. The International Space Station?s residents split their day on ...

Cygnus Solar Arrays Successfully...

2023-08-02, 06:08 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The solar arrays have successfully deployed on Northrop Grumman?s Cygnus cargo spacecraft that is on its way to deliver more than 8,200 pounds of scientific investigations, cargo, and supplies to the ...

Liftoff of Northrop Grumman?s CRS-19...

2023-08-02, 04:22 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

NASA commercial cargo provider Northrop Grumman?s Antares rocket with Cygnus cargo spacecraft aboard lifted off from Pad-0A at NASA?s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia at 8:31 p.m. EDT. This is ...

Live Launch Commentary Airing Now for...

2023-08-02, 03:05 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

NASA commercial cargo provider Northrop Grumman is targeting today for the launch of its 19th contracted resupply mission to the International Space Station. The five-minute launch window opens at ...

L-10 Minutes: Go for Launch

2023-08-02, 02:49 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

Launch team is ?go? to proceed with final count toward the five-minute launch window opening at 8:31 p.m. EDT. 

Countdown Underway; Weather 90%...

2023-08-01, 23:48 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The countdown is underway for tonight?s launch of NASA commercial resupply provider Northrop Grumman?s Antares rocket and Cygnus cargo spacecraft. Weather is now 90% favorable for the launch of ...

Cygnus Launching Today as Crew Works...

2023-08-01, 17:59 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Cygnus space freighter sits atop its Antares rocket from Northrop Grumman counting down to a launch today from NASA?s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Packed aboard Cygnus are over 8,200 ...

L-24 Forecast: Still 80% Favorable...

2023-07-31, 23:49 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Wallops Range 24-hour forecast issued today for the Tuesday, Aug. 1, launch of Northrop Grumman?s 19th resupply mission to the International Space Station continues to keep weather at ...

Preparations Underway for Upcoming...

2023-07-31, 18:01 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Expedition 69 crew is gearing up for a cargo delivery to the International Space Station this week. Health investigations and spacesuit surveys were also conducted today.NASA astronauts Woody ...

L-48 Forecast: Still 80% Favorable...

2023-07-31, 01:26 Międzynarodowa Stacja Kosmiczna

The Wallops Range 48-hour forecast issued today for the Tuesday, Aug. 1, launch of Northrop Grumman?s 19th resupply mission to the International Space Station continues to keep weather at 80% ...