Photo KKS-1 (KISEKI)

Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
648.77 km
Average height
27125.46 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information KKS-1 (KISEKI) - KKS-1 (KISEKI)

Spacetrack Directory Name KKS-1 (KISEKI)
Alternative name KKS-1 (KISEKI)
Follow KKS-1 (KISEKI) KKS-1 (KISEKI) Tracker
Pass predictions KKS-1 (KISEKI) Pass predictions KKS-1 (KISEKI)
Orbit launches 2009-01-23 (15 years ago)
Days in orbit 5580
Country/organisation of origin Japonia (JPN)
Starting point TANSC (Tanegashima Space Center, Japan)
WWW Here
Perigee 638 km/h
Apogee 649 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 98.14°
Laps per day 15
Orbit LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
Height KKS-1 (KISEKI) 648.77 km

Additional information KKS-1 (KISEKI)

KKS-1 is an educational satellite that has been developed by the students and teaching staffs of Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology as MONOZUKURI education of aerospace engineering. Micro propulsion system onboard which is 1st space-demonstration experiment of laser ignition thruster. Attitude controls by Small Reaction Wheel. Photographs by a CMOS camera?320×240 pixel color). KKS-1 carries messages from supporters to space.

satellite KKS-1 (KISEKI) Date of exalting 23.01.2009y. Average height of ISS KKS-1 (KISEKI) hundred 648.77 km. Average velocity KKS-1 (KISEKI) is 27125.46 km/s. Inclination KKS-1 (KISEKI) satellite 98.16°.



Average orbit height KKS-1 (KISEKI)

Average velocity KKS-1 (KISEKI)

Average inclination KKS-1 (KISEKI)

Frequency KKS-1 (KISEKI)

In the table below we show the frequencies KKS-1 (KISEKI).

Downlink Beacon Mode Call sign
437.445 Mhz Beacon: 437.385 Mhz 1200bps AFSK CW* JQ1YYY

Update time: 2024-05-04 02:04:09
Average height of ISS KKS-1 (KISEKI) is: 648.77km
Average velocity KKS-1 (KISEKI) is: 27125.46km/s
Average orbit height KKS-1 (KISEKI) is: 98.16°
KKS-1 (KISEKI) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2009-01-23
KKS-1 (KISEKI) is from 5580 days Days in orbit.