
Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
699.64 km
Average height
27027.74 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information SJ-11-01

Spacetrack Directory Name SJ-11-01
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Orbit launches 2009-11-12 (14 years ago)
Days in orbit 5428
Country/organisation of origin Chiny (PRC)
Starting point JSC (Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China)
Perigee 685 km/h
Apogee 701 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.95°
Laps per day 15
Orbit LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
Height SJ-11-01 699.64 km

Additional information SJ-11-01

Shijian 11-01 (Chinese: ?????01?, meaning Practice 11-01) is a Chinese technology demonstration satellite which was launched in November 2009. It was built by the Aerospace Dongfanghong Satellite Company, and is being operated by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.Shijian 11-01 was launched from the SLS-2 pad of Launch Area 4 at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre, atop a Long March 2C carrier rocket. Liftoff occurred at 02:45 GMT on 12 November 2009. The satellite separated into an orbit with an apogee of 699.9 kilometres (434.9 mi), a perigee of 690.5 kilometres (429.1 mi), and 98.3° inclination. It has the International Designator 2009-061A.
In total, eight satellites of the Shijian 11 series were launched between 2011 and 2014. They may form a missile warning or SIGINT constellation.

== References ==

satellite SJ-11-01 Date of exalting 12.11.2009y. Average height of ISS SJ-11-01 hundred 699.64 km. Average velocity SJ-11-01 is 27027.74 km/s. Inclination SJ-11-01 satellite 97.94°.



Average orbit height SJ-11-01

Average velocity SJ-11-01

Average inclination SJ-11-01

Update time: 2024-09-22 06:18:10
Average height of ISS SJ-11-01 is: 699.64km
Average velocity SJ-11-01 is: 27027.74km/s
Average orbit height SJ-11-01 is: 97.94°
SJ-11-01 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2009-11-12
SJ-11-01 is from 5428 days Days in orbit.