Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35785.88 km
Average height
11069.02 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ASTRA 3B

Spacetrack Directory Name ASTRA 3B
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Orbit launches 2010-05-21 (14 years ago)
Days in orbit 5261
Country/organisation of origin SES
Starting point FRGUI (Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana)
Perigee 35776 km/h
Apogee 35798 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.01°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height ASTRA 3B 35785.88 km

Additional information ASTRA 3B

Astra 3B is one of the Astra communications satellites owned and operated by SES, launched in 2010 to the Astra 23.5°E orbital slot providing digital television and radio for direct-to-home (DTH), and the AstraConnect two-way satellite broadband services across Europe and the Middle East.
The satellite is also used to provide the one-way Othernet internet access service to Europe that, using small lightweight receiver stations, is designed to eventually provide news, weather, educational and other media to communities with no other access to the internet.Astra 3B was used by SES to broadcast its first demonstration 8K television signal in May 2018.

satellite ASTRA 3B Date of exalting 21.05.2010y. Average height of ISS ASTRA 3B hundred 35785.88 km. Average velocity ASTRA 3B is 11069.02 km/h. Inclination ASTRA 3B satellite 0.05°.



Average orbit height ASTRA 3B

Average velocity ASTRA 3B

Average inclination ASTRA 3B

Update time: 2024-10-15 14:14:07
Average height of ISS ASTRA 3B is: 35785.88km
Average velocity ASTRA 3B is: 11069.02km/h
Average orbit height ASTRA 3B is: 0.05°
ASTRA 3B a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2010-05-21
ASTRA 3B is from 5261 days Days in orbit.