Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
1420.06 km
Average height
25749.93 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information GLOBALSTAR M078

Spacetrack Directory Name GLOBALSTAR M078
Pass predictions GLOBALSTAR M078 Pass predictions GLOBALSTAR M078
Orbit launches 2013-02-06 (11 years ago)
Days in orbit 4263
Country/organisation of origin Globalstar (GLOB)
Starting point TYMSC (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan)
WWW Here
Perigee 1413 km/h
Apogee 1414 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 51.99°
Laps per day 13
Orbit LEO (Non-Polar Inclined)
Height GLOBALSTAR M078 1420.06 km

Additional information GLOBALSTAR M078

European Organisation of Telecommunications by Satellite S.A. (EUTELSAT) is a European satellite operator. Providing coverage over the entire European continent, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Americas, it is the world's third largest satellite operator in terms of revenues.Eutelsat's satellites are used for broadcasting nearly 7,000 television stations, of which 1,400 are in HD, and 1,100 radio stations to over 274 million cable and satellite homes. They also serve requirements for TV contribution services, corporate networks, mobile communications, Internet backbone connectivity and broadband access for terrestrial, maritime and in-flight applications. Eutelsat is headquartered in Paris. Eutelsat Communications Chief Executive Officer is currently Rodolphe Belmer.In October 2017, Eutelsat acquired NOORSAT, one of the leading satellite service providers in the Middle East, from Bahrain's Orbit Holding Group. NOORSAT is the premier distributor of Eutelsat capacity in the Middle East, serving blue-chip customers and providing services for over 300 TV channels almost exclusively from Eutelsat's market-leading Middle East and North Africa neighbourhoods at 7/8° West and 25.5° East.

satellite GLOBALSTAR M078 Date of exalting 06.02.2013y. Average height of ISS GLOBALSTAR M078 hundred 1420.06 km. Average velocity GLOBALSTAR M078 is 25749.93 km/h. Inclination GLOBALSTAR M078 satellite 51.99°.



Average orbit height GLOBALSTAR M078

Average velocity GLOBALSTAR M078

Average inclination GLOBALSTAR M078

Update time: 2024-10-09 12:02:08
Average height of ISS GLOBALSTAR M078 is: 1420.06km
Average velocity GLOBALSTAR M078 is: 25749.93km/h
Average orbit height GLOBALSTAR M078 is: 51.99°
GLOBALSTAR M078 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2013-02-06
GLOBALSTAR M078 is from 4263 days Days in orbit.