Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
2653 Days in orbit
385.3 km
Average height
27649.21 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A) - TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)

Spacetrack Directory Name TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)
Alternative name TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)
Orbit launches 2015-09-25
Deorbitation date 2022-12-30
Days in orbit 2653
Country/organisation of origin Chiny (PRC)
Starting point JSC (Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, China)
Perigee 428 km/h
Apogee 440 km
Height TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A) 385.3 km

Additional information TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)

GAMALINK, which is an S-band inter-satellite communication module, a novel dual band GPS/BD receiver, an AIS receiver, and an ADS-B receiver, all being designed based on SDR technologies. Also a novel cold-gas micro propulsion module based on MEMS technology will be used for orbit and constellation control. TW-1 project consists of three CubeSats carrying different payloads and instruments with one 3U CubeSat and two 2U CubeSats, forming an along-trace satellite network and/or constellation. CubeSats networking based on Gamalink. Monitoring sea ice and gaining the maritime traffic information in polar region based on AIS receiver and camera. Demonstration of autonomous formation flying including the along-track orbital (ATO) formation and the projected circular orbital (PCO) formation. In-orbit demonstration and validation of ADS-B receiver/ Gamalink / Micro-propulsion. Imaging the satellite separating process.

Average orbit height TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)

Average velocity TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)

Average inclination TIANWANG 1A (TW-1A)

Update time: 2023-01-18 14:20:25