Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.34 km
Average height
11068.94 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information HIMAWARI 9

Spacetrack Directory Name HIMAWARI 9
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Pass predictions HIMAWARI 9 Pass predictions HIMAWARI 9
Orbit launches 2016-11-02 (7 years ago)
Days in orbit 2891
Country/organisation of origin Japonia (JPN)
Starting point TANSC (Tanegashima Space Center, Japan)
Perigee 35782 km/h
Apogee 35792 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.03°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height HIMAWARI 9 35786.34 km

Additional information HIMAWARI 9

Himawari 9 is a Japanese weather satellite, the 9th of the Himawari geostationary weather satellite operated by the Japan Meteorological Agency. The spacecraft was constructed by Mitsubishi Electric, and is the second of two similar satellites to be based on the DS-2000 bus.

satellite HIMAWARI 9 Date of exalting 02.11.2016y. Average height of ISS HIMAWARI 9 hundred 35786.34 km. Average velocity HIMAWARI 9 is 11068.94 km/h. Inclination HIMAWARI 9 satellite 0.03°.



Average orbit height HIMAWARI 9

Average velocity HIMAWARI 9

Average inclination HIMAWARI 9

Update time: 2024-10-02 21:43:10
Average height of ISS HIMAWARI 9 is: 35786.34km
Average velocity HIMAWARI 9 is: 11068.94km/h
Average orbit height HIMAWARI 9 is: 0.03°
HIMAWARI 9 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2016-11-02
HIMAWARI 9 is from 2891 days Days in orbit.