Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
21782.7 km
Average height
13037.28 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ARASE (ERG)

Spacetrack Directory Name ARASE (ERG)
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Orbit launches 2016-12-20 (7 years ago)
Days in orbit 2843
Country/organisation of origin Japonia (JPN)
Starting point KSCUT (Uchinoura Space Center, Japan)
Perigee 406 km/h
Apogee 32234 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 31.52°
Laps per day 3
Orbit Elliptical
Height ARASE (ERG) 21782.7 km

Additional information ARASE (ERG)

Arase, formerly known as Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG), is a scientific satellite to study the Van Allen belts. It was developed by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of JAXA. While there was a scientist working on a similar project with the surname Arase, the satellite's name has nothing to do with him but instead named after a river beside the launch point.
It was launched aboard Epsilon launch vehicle at 11:00:00, 20 December 2016 UTC into apogee height 32250 km, perigee 214 km orbit. Subsequent perigee-up operation moved its orbit to apogee 32110 km, perigee 460 km of 565 minutes period.

satellite ARASE (ERG) Date of exalting 20.12.2016y. Average height of ISS ARASE (ERG) hundred 21782.7 km. Average velocity ARASE (ERG) is 13037.28 km/h. Inclination ARASE (ERG) satellite 31.87°.



Average orbit height ARASE (ERG)

Average velocity ARASE (ERG)

Average inclination ARASE (ERG)

Update time: 2024-10-02 15:42:09
Average height of ISS ARASE (ERG) is: 21782.7km
Average velocity ARASE (ERG) is: 13037.28km/h
Average orbit height ARASE (ERG) is: 31.87°
ARASE (ERG) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2016-12-20
ARASE (ERG) is from 2843 days Days in orbit.