Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.5 km
Average height
11068.92 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information TELKOM 3S

Spacetrack Directory Name TELKOM 3S
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Pass predictions TELKOM 3S Pass predictions TELKOM 3S
Orbit launches 2017-02-14 (7 years ago)
Days in orbit 2787
Country/organisation of origin Indonezja (INDO)
Starting point FRGUI (Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana)
Perigee 35777 km/h
Apogee 35796 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.02°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height TELKOM 3S 35786.5 km

Additional information TELKOM 3S

Telkom-3S is an Indonesian geostationary communications satellite built as a replacement of Telkom-3 that was lost due to a launch failure on 6 August 2012. Telkom-3S was successfully launched in 14 February 2017 and commissioned into service on 17 April 2017.

satellite TELKOM 3S Date of exalting 14.02.2017y. Average height of ISS TELKOM 3S hundred 35786.5 km. Average velocity TELKOM 3S is 11068.92 km/h. Inclination TELKOM 3S satellite 0.02°.



Average orbit height TELKOM 3S

Average velocity TELKOM 3S

Average inclination TELKOM 3S

Update time: 2024-10-02 11:42:19
Average height of ISS TELKOM 3S is: 35786.5km
Average velocity TELKOM 3S is: 11068.92km/h
Average orbit height TELKOM 3S is: 0.02°
TELKOM 3S a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2017-02-14
TELKOM 3S is from 2787 days Days in orbit.