Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35912.7 km
Average height
11052.51 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information QZS-2 - QZS-2 (MICHIBIKI-2)

Spacetrack Directory Name QZS-2
Alternative name QZS-2 (MICHIBIKI-2)
Follow QZS-2 QZS-2 Tracker
Pass predictions QZS-2 Pass predictions QZS-2
Orbit launches 2017-06-01 (7 years ago)
Days in orbit 2679
Country/organisation of origin Japonia (JPN)
Starting point TANSC (Tanegashima Space Center, Japan)
WWW Here
Perigee 32586 km/h
Apogee 38979 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 40.41°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height QZS-2 35912.7 km

Additional information QZS-2

Bromodomain-containing protein 4 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the BRD4 gene.BRD4 is a member of the BET (bromodomain and extra terminal domain) family, which also includes BRD2, BRD3, and BRDT. BRD4, similar to other BET family members, contains two bromodomains that recognize acetylated lysine residues. BRD4 also has an extended C-terminal domain with little sequence homology to other BET family members.

satellite QZS-2 Date of exalting 01.06.2017y. Average height of ISS QZS-2 hundred 35912.7 km. Average velocity QZS-2 is 11052.51 km/h. Inclination QZS-2 satellite 40.7°.



Average orbit height QZS-2

Average velocity QZS-2

Average inclination QZS-2

Update time: 2024-10-01 18:41:07
Average height of ISS QZS-2 is: 35912.7km
Average velocity QZS-2 is: 11052.51km/h
Average orbit height QZS-2 is: 40.7°
QZS-2 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2017-06-01
QZS-2 is from 2679 days Days in orbit.