Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
2108 Days in orbit
437.98 km
Average height
27542.22 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information LITUANICASAT 2 - QB50-LT01

Spacetrack Directory Name LITUANICASAT 2
Alternative name QB50-LT01
Orbit launches 2017-06-23
Deorbitation date 2023-04-01
Days in orbit 2108
Country/organisation of origin Litwa (LTU)
Starting point SRILR (Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India)
WWW Here
Perigee 480 km/h
Apogee 501 km
Height LITUANICASAT 2 437.98 km

Additional information LITUANICASAT 2

The Primary objective of the experiment is to demonstrate the orbital maneuvering and drag compensation capabilities of a CubeSat using an integral green monopropellant microthruster. The idea behind this experiment is to further advance the technology of nanosatellite micro propulsion that is required to implement future projects of CubeSat constellations. To contribute to the QB50 mission objectives the thruster would be designed to implement orbital maintenance/correction of a CubeSat by producing incremental (to minimize the effects of thrust vector misalignment) thrust in the direction of the velocity vector to overcome atmospheric drag and thus considerably prolonging satellite?s orbital lifetime. QB50. Thrusters. 3 main modules: a science unit, a functional unit and an experimental unit. The science unit will contain a set of standardized sensors for QB50 scientific mission provided by MSSL and an interface board.

Average orbit height LITUANICASAT 2

Average velocity LITUANICASAT 2

Average inclination LITUANICASAT 2

Update time: 2023-04-13 14:50:05