Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
1366 Days in orbit
412.99 km
Average height
27595.8 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ORCA-1 - 2019-022H

Spacetrack Directory Name ORCA-1
Alternative name 2019-022H
Orbit launches 2019-04-17
Deorbitation date 2023-01-12
Days in orbit 1366
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point WLPIS (Wallops Island)
Perigee 462 km/h
Apogee 476 km
Height ORCA-1 412.99 km

Additional information ORCA-1

Demonstration technology in the Radio Frequency (RF) arena. There have been many strides in RF for communication between space assets and then to ground. Space communication leads to increased satellite applications, elevating the need for ground control through automation.

Average orbit height ORCA-1

Average velocity ORCA-1

Average inclination ORCA-1

Update time: 2023-01-18 14:20:25