Photo STARLINK-1216

Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
553.9 km
Average height
27312.9 km/h
Average velocity
On 2024-10-17 (yesterday) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched.
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Satellite information STARLINK-1216 - STARLINK H

Spacetrack Directory Name STARLINK-1216
Alternative name STARLINK H
Group Starlink L4
Follow STARLINK-1216 STARLINK-1216 Tracker
Group follow Starlink L4 Tracker Starlink L4
Pass predictions STARLINK-1216 Pass predictions STARLINK-1216
Orbit launches 2020-02-17 (4 years ago)
Days in orbit 1705
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
Perigee 546 km/h
Apogee 548 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 53.05°
Laps per day 15
Orbit LEO
Height STARLINK-1216 553.9 km

Additional information STARLINK-1216

Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by American company SpaceX to provide satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers. SpaceX also plans to sell some of the satellites for military, scientific, or exploratory purposes.
Concerns have been raised about the long-term danger of space junk resulting from placing thousands of satellites in orbits above 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) and a possible impact on astronomy, although SpaceX is reportedly attempting to solve the latter issue. On Starlink 2, one of the satellites has an experimental coating to make it less reflective, and thus impact ground-based astronomical observations less. The total cost of the decade-long project to design, build, and deploy the constellation was estimated by SpaceX in May 2018 to be about US$10 billion. Product development began in 2015, with the first two prototype test-flight satellites launched in February 2018. A second set of test satellites and the first large deployment of a piece of the constellation occurred on 24 May 2019 UTC when the first 60 operational satellites were launched. The SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond, Washington, houses the Starlink research, development, manufacturing, and on-orbit control operations. As of April 2020, with 358 satellites of the constellation in orbit, SpaceX is targeting service in the Northern U.S. and Canada by late 2020, SpaceX is launching 60 satellites at a time, aiming to deploy more than 1,500 of the quarter-ton spacecraft to provide near-global service by late 2021 or 2022. However, these are only internal projections and not set dates.

satellite STARLINK-1216 Date of exalting 17.02.2020y. Average height of ISS STARLINK-1216 hundred 553.9 km. Average velocity STARLINK-1216 is 27312.9 km/h. Inclination STARLINK-1216 satellite 53.05°.



Average orbit height STARLINK-1216

Average velocity STARLINK-1216

Average inclination STARLINK-1216

Update time: 2024-10-18 04:18:14
Average height of ISS STARLINK-1216 is: 553.9km
Average velocity STARLINK-1216 is: 27312.9km/h
Average orbit height STARLINK-1216 is: 53.05°
STARLINK-1216 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2020-02-17
STARLINK-1216 is from 1705 days Days in orbit.