Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
372.93 km
Average height
27674.7 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information DELFI-PQ

Spacetrack Directory Name DELFI-PQ
Orbit launches 2022-01-13 g.16:25
Country/organisation of origin Holandia (NETH)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
WWW Here
Perigee 514 km/h
Apogee 532 km
Height DELFI-PQ 372.93 km

Additional information DELFI-PQ

Demonstrating a reliable core bus platform and at least one advanced subsystem or payload. It consists of a core platform which secures basic functionalities which will iteratively evolve over time. Advanced subsystems will be developed as seperate projects using a standard interface specification. Only when they are ready in hard- and software, and can be succesfully integrated and tested, they become a formalized part of the next satellite.

satellite DELFI-PQ Date of exalting 13.01.2022y. Average height of ISS DELFI-PQ hundred 372.93 km. Average velocity DELFI-PQ is 27674.7 km/h. Inclination DELFI-PQ satellite 97.43°.

Average orbit height DELFI-PQ

Average velocity DELFI-PQ

Average inclination DELFI-PQ

Update time: 2024-01-06 23:47:10
Average height of ISS DELFI-PQ is: 372.93km
Average velocity DELFI-PQ is: 27674.7km/h
Average orbit height DELFI-PQ is: 97.43°
DELFI-PQ a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2022-01-13