Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
461.37 km
Average height
27494.87 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information LEMUR 2 MMOLO - 2023-001AF

Spacetrack Directory Name LEMUR 2 MMOLO
Alternative name 2023-001AF
Pass predictions LEMUR 2 MMOLO Pass predictions LEMUR 2 MMOLO
Orbit launches 2023-01-03 (one year ago)
Days in orbit 637
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
WWW Here
Perigee 513 km/h
Apogee 537 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.41°
Laps per day 16
Height LEMUR 2 MMOLO 461.37 km

Additional information LEMUR 2 MMOLO

Weather data for government and commercial customers. Measuring signals from GPS satellites as those signals pass through the atmosphere. STRATOS imaging payload and the SENSE AIS payload. The SENSE payload enables tracking shipos worldwide by receiving their AIS signals. GPS radio occultation, provides profiles of temperature, pressure, and humidity in the atmosphere that can be incorporated into weather forecasting models.\r\n\r\n Spire launched satellites carrying next-gen ADS-B payloads on SpaceX Transporter-6 to collect global aircraft position data with improved coverage and latency. The satellites are equipped with: Inter-satellite links, On-board propulsion system, Advanced antenna design .

satellite LEMUR 2 MMOLO Date of exalting 03.01.2023y. Average height of ISS LEMUR 2 MMOLO hundred 461.37 km. Average velocity LEMUR 2 MMOLO is 27494.87 km/h. Inclination LEMUR 2 MMOLO satellite 97.44°.



Average orbit height LEMUR 2 MMOLO

Average velocity LEMUR 2 MMOLO

Average inclination LEMUR 2 MMOLO

Frequency LEMUR 2 MMOLO

In the table below we show the frequencies LEMUR 2 MMOLO.

Downlink Beacon Mode Call sign
145.850/436.025 MHz Beacon: 436.025 9600bps GFSK CW OK0BDT

Update time: 2024-10-01 13:11:08
Average height of ISS LEMUR 2 MMOLO is: 461.37km
Average velocity LEMUR 2 MMOLO is: 27494.87km/h
Average orbit height LEMUR 2 MMOLO is: 97.44°
LEMUR 2 MMOLO a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2023-01-03
LEMUR 2 MMOLO is from 637 days Days in orbit.