Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
519.83 km
Average height
27377.81 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information SHARJAHSAT-1 - 2023-001CZ

Spacetrack Directory Name SHARJAHSAT-1
Alternative name 2023-001CZ
Pass predictions SHARJAHSAT-1 Pass predictions SHARJAHSAT-1
Orbit launches 2023-01-03 g.01:00 (one year ago)
Days in orbit 637
Country/organisation of origin Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabski (UAE)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
WWW Here
Perigee 521 km/h
Apogee 539 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.41°
Laps per day 15
Height SHARJAHSAT-1 519.83 km

Additional information SHARJAHSAT-1

Payload is an X-Ray Detector (iXRD) and a visual band camera system. The aim is to measure the X-Rays from outer space and taking with at least 100 meter/pixel GSD pictures of Earth. There will be an S-Band transmitter to download the pictures taken by the cameras and the iXRD data. The satellite is being developed by University of Sharjah SAASST together with Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Space Systems Design and Test Lab (SSDTL) along with Sabanc? University for iXRD.\r\nThe integration and assembly of the CubeSat components are carried out inside SAASST?s cleanroom, which will assure the protection of the sensitive electronics and instruments. The initial tests are also being performed in the cleanroom, but the qualification and acceptance tests that require specialized facilities are done at other sites. Once SharjahSat-1 is in orbit, SAASST?s ground station will be used for communication (Telemetry, Tracking, and Commanding).

satellite SHARJAHSAT-1 Date of exalting 03.01.2023y. Average height of ISS SHARJAHSAT-1 hundred 519.83 km. Average velocity SHARJAHSAT-1 is 27377.81 km/h. Inclination SHARJAHSAT-1 satellite 97.44°.



Average orbit height SHARJAHSAT-1

Average velocity SHARJAHSAT-1

Average inclination SHARJAHSAT-1

Frequency SHARJAHSAT-1

In the table below we show the frequencies SHARJAHSAT-1.

Downlink Mode Call sign
437.325/2405.000 MHz 256/1k2/9k6* GMSK A60UOS
437.325 MHz GMSK

Update time: 2024-10-01 05:40:12
Average height of ISS SHARJAHSAT-1 is: 519.83km
Average velocity SHARJAHSAT-1 is: 27377.81km/h
Average orbit height SHARJAHSAT-1 is: 97.44°
SHARJAHSAT-1 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2023-01-03
SHARJAHSAT-1 is from 637 days Days in orbit.