Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.24 km
Average height
11068.96 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information DIRECTV 12

Spacetrack Directory Name DIRECTV 12
Follow DIRECTV 12 DIRECTV 12 Tracker
Pass predictions DIRECTV 12 Pass predictions DIRECTV 12
Orbit launches 2009-12-29 (14 years ago)
Days in orbit 5237
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point TYMSC (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan)
Perigee 35785 km/h
Apogee 35788 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.02°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height DIRECTV 12 35786.24 km

Additional information DIRECTV 12

T12, formerly known as D12, is a Boeing model 702 satellite built by the Boeing Satellite Development Center. It was launched on December 29, 2009 and became operational on May 19, 2010. It is used by DirecTV to provide additional high definition channels and Video on demand content, as well as 3DTV channels and content. The satellite adopted its current name in 2017.

satellite DIRECTV 12 Date of exalting 29.12.2009y. Average height of ISS DIRECTV 12 hundred 35786.24 km. Average velocity DIRECTV 12 is 11068.96 km/s. Inclination DIRECTV 12 satellite 0.02°.



Average orbit height DIRECTV 12

Average velocity DIRECTV 12

Average inclination DIRECTV 12

Update time: 2024-05-01 01:54:07
Average height of ISS DIRECTV 12 is: 35786.24km
Average velocity DIRECTV 12 is: 11068.96km/s
Average orbit height DIRECTV 12 is: 0.02°
DIRECTV 12 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2009-12-29
DIRECTV 12 is from 5237 days Days in orbit.