Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
642.97 km
Average height
27136.63 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ALOS 2

Spacetrack Directory Name ALOS 2
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Pass predictions ALOS 2 Pass predictions ALOS 2
Orbit launches 2014-05-24 (10 years ago)
Days in orbit 3789
Country/organisation of origin Japonia (JPN)
Starting point TANSC (Tanegashima Space Center, Japan)
WWW Here
Perigee 630 km/h
Apogee 632 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.92°
Laps per day 15
Orbit LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
Height ALOS 2 642.97 km

Additional information ALOS 2

Advanced Land Observing Satellite 2 (ALOS 2), also called Daichi 2, is a 2-ton Japanese satellite launched in 2014. Although the predecessor ALOS satellite had featured 2 optical cameras in addition to 1.2 GHz (L-band) radar, ALOS-2 had optical cameras removed to simplify construction and reduce costs. The PALSAR-2 radar is a significant upgrade of the PALSAR radar, allowing higher-resolution (1x3m per pixel) spotlight modes in addition to the 10m resolution survey mode inherited from the ALOS spacecraft. Also, the SPAISE2 automatic ship identification system and the Compact Infra Red Camera (CIRC) will provide supplementary data about sea-going ships and provide early warnings of missile launches.

satellite ALOS 2 Date of exalting 24.05.2014y. Average height of ISS ALOS 2 hundred 642.97 km. Average velocity ALOS 2 is 27136.63 km/h. Inclination ALOS 2 satellite 97.92°.



Average orbit height ALOS 2

Average velocity ALOS 2

Average inclination ALOS 2

Update time: 2024-10-07 05:57:07
Average height of ISS ALOS 2 is: 642.97km
Average velocity ALOS 2 is: 27136.63km/h
Average orbit height ALOS 2 is: 97.92°
ALOS 2 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2014-05-24
ALOS 2 is from 3789 days Days in orbit.