NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
20189.65 km
Average height
13946.07 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

Spacetrack Directory Name NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)
Alternative name GPS BIIF-7, GPS 2F-7, SVN 68, PRN 09, SLOT F3
Group GPS
Follow NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) Tracker
Group follow GPS Tracker GPS
Pass predictions NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) Pass predictions NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)
Orbit launches 2014-08-02 (9 years ago)
Days in orbit 3569
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
Perigee 20133 km/h
Apogee 20229 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 54.91°
Laps per day 2
Orbit MEO (Non-Polar Inclined)
Height NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) 20189.65 km

Additional information NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

USA-256, also known as GPS IIF-7, GPS SVN-68 and NAVSTAR 71, is an American navigation satellite which forms part of the Global Positioning System. It was the seventh of twelve Block IIF satellites to be launched.

satellite NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) Date of exalting 02.08.2014y. Average height of ISS NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) hundred 20189.65 km. Average velocity NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) is 13946.07 km/s. Inclination NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) satellite 54.84°.



Average orbit height NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

Average velocity NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

Average inclination NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256)

Update time: 2024-05-10 10:21:08
Average height of ISS NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) is: 20189.65km
Average velocity NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) is: 13946.07km/s
Average orbit height NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) is: 54.84°
NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2014-08-02
NAVSTAR 71 (USA 256) is from 3569 days Days in orbit.