Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.42 km
Average height
11068.93 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information OPTUS 10

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Orbit launches 2014-09-11 (10 years ago)
Days in orbit 3678
Country/organisation of origin Australia (AUS)
Starting point FRGUI (Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana)
Perigee 35773 km/h
Apogee 35801 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.08°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height OPTUS 10 35786.42 km

Additional information OPTUS 10

MEASAT-3b is a communications satellite which MEASAT and Trans Media operates in geosynchronous orbit at 91.5 degrees east longitude, co-located with MEASAT-3 and MEASAT-3a, with orbital period of 1436.1 minutes and orbital speed of ~3.08 km/s (~1.914 mi/s). It was built by Astrium (now Airbus Defence and Space), based on the Eurostar spacecraft platform, with an investment of approximately MYR1.25bn ($370m), and the 5th MEASAT satellite in orbit. Its weigh 5,897 kilograms at liftoff and is 6.6 by 2.8 by 2.3 meters in dimensions in its stowed config and spanned across 39.4m in orbit. It is three-axis stabilized and has 48 Ku band transponder, more than double the current Ku-band capacity operated by MEASAT, which are used for the expansion of video and data services and enhances support to Asia's premium direct-to-home (DTH) and video distribution neighbourhood across Malaysia, South Asia (India), Indonesia and Australia, serving more than 18 million households. It has been designed to support a fourth market. Australian satellite operator NewSat Ltd. (now part of SpeedCast Australia Pty Limited) announced in February 2012, that an undisclosed number of Ku-band transponders will be leases and marketed as Jabiru 2. Its mission duration lasted more than 15 years. MEASAT-3b technical frequency EIRP test are available in LyngSat website.

satellite OPTUS 10 Date of exalting 11.09.2014y. Average height of ISS OPTUS 10 hundred 35786.42 km. Average velocity OPTUS 10 is 11068.93 km/h. Inclination OPTUS 10 satellite 0.06°.



Average orbit height OPTUS 10

Average velocity OPTUS 10

Average inclination OPTUS 10

Update time: 2024-10-06 15:55:09
Average height of ISS OPTUS 10 is: 35786.42km
Average velocity OPTUS 10 is: 11068.93km/h
Average orbit height OPTUS 10 is: 0.06°
OPTUS 10 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2014-09-11
OPTUS 10 is from 3678 days Days in orbit.