Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
575.51 km
Average height
27267.98 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information COSMOS 2503

Spacetrack Directory Name COSMOS 2503
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Pass predictions COSMOS 2503 Pass predictions COSMOS 2503
Orbit launches 2015-02-27 (9 years ago)
Days in orbit 3359
Country/organisation of origin Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR) (CIS)
Starting point PLMSC (Plesetsk Missile and Space Complex, Russia)
Perigee 563 km/h
Apogee 579 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.93°
Laps per day 15
Orbit LEO (Sun-Synchronous)
Height COSMOS 2503 575.51 km

Additional information COSMOS 2503

Calcium (Ca) deficiency is a plant disorder that can be caused by insufficient level of biologically available calcium in the growing medium, but is more frequently a product of low transpiration of the whole plant or more commonly the affected tissue. Plants are susceptible to such localized calcium deficiencies in low or non-transpiring tissues because calcium is not transported in the phloem. This may be due to water shortages, which slow the transportation of calcium to the plant, poor uptake of calcium through the stem, or too much nitrogen in the soil.

satellite COSMOS 2503 Date of exalting 27.02.2015y. Average height of ISS COSMOS 2503 hundred 575.51 km. Average velocity COSMOS 2503 is 27267.98 km/s. Inclination COSMOS 2503 satellite 97.95°.



Average orbit height COSMOS 2503

Average velocity COSMOS 2503

Average inclination COSMOS 2503

Update time: 2024-05-09 01:35:07
Average height of ISS COSMOS 2503 is: 575.51km
Average velocity COSMOS 2503 is: 27267.98km/s
Average orbit height COSMOS 2503 is: 97.95°
COSMOS 2503 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2015-02-27
COSMOS 2503 is from 3359 days Days in orbit.