Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.14 km
Average height
11068.97 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 - SATMEX 7

Spacetrack Directory Name EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7
Alternative name SATMEX 7
Follow EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 Tracker
Pass predictions EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 Pass predictions EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7
Orbit launches 2015-03-02 (9 years ago)
Days in orbit 3505
Country/organisation of origin European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT) (EUTE)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
Perigee 35784 km/h
Apogee 35788 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 0.02°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 35786.14 km

Additional information EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7

Eutelsat 115 West B (previously SATMEX 7) is a communications satellite that is operated by Eutelsat, providing video, data, government, and mobile services for the Americas. The satellite was designed and manufactured by Boeing Space Systems, and is a Boeing 702SP model communication satellite. It is located at 115 degrees west longitude. It was launched on board a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 2 March 2015 (UTC time).
The satellite is solely propelled by electrically powered spacecraft propulsion, with the onboard thrusters used for both geostationary orbit insertion and station keeping.
The satellite had a launch mass of 4,861 pounds (2,205 kg). It is notable for being the first commercial communications satellite in orbit to use electric propulsion, providing a significant weight savings. Eutelsat 115 West B was launched with another Boeing 702SP satellite, ABS-3A, on the same rocket.
Eutelsat 115 West B is planned to be the first in a family of four satellites in the Eutelsat constellation. The satellite was scheduled for entry into service in November 2015, but entered service a month earlier than expected, in October 2015.

satellite EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 Date of exalting 02.03.2015y. Average height of ISS EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 hundred 35786.14 km. Average velocity EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 is 11068.97 km/h. Inclination EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 satellite 0.01°.



Average orbit height EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7

Average velocity EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7

Average inclination EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7

Update time: 2024-10-05 12:51:12
Average height of ISS EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 is: 35786.14km
Average velocity EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 is: 11068.97km/h
Average orbit height EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 is: 0.01°
EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2015-03-02
EUTE 115 WEST B(SATMEX 7 is from 3505 days Days in orbit.