GALILEO 10 (206)

Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
23229.48 km
Average height
13210.6 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information GALILEO 10 (206) - ORIANA

Spacetrack Directory Name GALILEO 10 (206)
Alternative name ORIANA
Follow GALILEO 10 (206) GALILEO 10 (206) Tracker
Pass predictions GALILEO 10 (206) Pass predictions GALILEO 10 (206)
Orbit launches 2015-09-11 (9 years ago)
Days in orbit 3311
Country/organisation of origin European Space Agency (ESA)
Starting point FRGUI (Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana)
WWW Here
Perigee 23211 km/h
Apogee 23234 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 55.17°
Laps per day 2
Orbit MEO (Non-Polar Inclined)
Height GALILEO 10 (206) 23229.48 km

Additional information GALILEO 10 (206)

Adrastea ( ad-r?-STEE-?; Greek: ?????????), also known as Jupiter XV, is the second by distance, and the smallest of the four inner moons of Jupiter. It was discovered in photographs taken by Voyager 2 in 1979, making it the first natural satellite to be discovered from images taken by an interplanetary spacecraft, rather than through a telescope. It was officially named after the mythological Adrasteia, foster mother of the Greek god Zeus?the equivalent of the Roman god Jupiter.Adrastea is one of the few moons in the Solar System known to orbit its planet in less than the length of that planet's day. It orbits at the edge of Jupiter's Main Ring and is thought to be the main contributor of material to the Rings of Jupiter. Despite observations made in the 1990s by the Galileo spacecraft, very little is known about the moon's physical characteristics other than its size and the fact that it is tidally locked to Jupiter.

satellite GALILEO 10 (206) Date of exalting 11.09.2015y. Average height of ISS GALILEO 10 (206) hundred 23229.48 km. Average velocity GALILEO 10 (206) is 13210.6 km/h. Inclination GALILEO 10 (206) satellite 55.26°.



Average orbit height GALILEO 10 (206)

Average velocity GALILEO 10 (206)

Average inclination GALILEO 10 (206)

Update time: 2024-10-04 22:50:16
Average height of ISS GALILEO 10 (206) is: 23229.48km
Average velocity GALILEO 10 (206) is: 13210.6km/h
Average orbit height GALILEO 10 (206) is: 55.26°
GALILEO 10 (206) a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2015-09-11
GALILEO 10 (206) is from 3311 days Days in orbit.