Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
35786.07 km
Average height
11068.98 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information MORELOS 3

Spacetrack Directory Name MORELOS 3
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Pass predictions MORELOS 3 Pass predictions MORELOS 3
Orbit launches 2015-10-02 (9 years ago)
Days in orbit 3290
Country/organisation of origin Meksyk (MEX)
Starting point AFETR (Kennedy Space Center/Cape Canaveral, USA)
Perigee 35777 km/h
Apogee 35796 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 2.99°
Laps per day 1
Orbit GEO
Height MORELOS 3 35786.07 km

Additional information MORELOS 3

The Morelos satellites are a series of Mexican communications satellites. The first two operated between 1985 and 1998 and provided telephony, data, and television services over the territory of the Mexican Republic and adjacent areas. The third is now part of the MEXSAT constellation (sister ship of the MEXSAT-1 lost during launch) but carries the Morelos name.
The original Morelos satellites were replaced by the Solidaridad Satellite System (Solidaridad I, launched 17 November 1993, and Solidaridad 2, launched 17 October 1994) and, following privatisation, by the Satmex Satellite System.

satellite MORELOS 3 Date of exalting 02.10.2015y. Average height of ISS MORELOS 3 hundred 35786.07 km. Average velocity MORELOS 3 is 11068.98 km/h. Inclination MORELOS 3 satellite 3.07°.



Average orbit height MORELOS 3

Average velocity MORELOS 3

Average inclination MORELOS 3

Update time: 2024-10-04 18:49:09
Average height of ISS MORELOS 3 is: 35786.07km
Average velocity MORELOS 3 is: 11068.98km/h
Average orbit height MORELOS 3 is: 3.07°
MORELOS 3 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2015-10-02
MORELOS 3 is from 3290 days Days in orbit.