Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
21535.09 km
Average height
13605.73 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information BEIDOU 3M23 - 2019-061A

Spacetrack Directory Name BEIDOU 3M23
Alternative name 2019-061A
Follow BEIDOU 3M23 BEIDOU 3M23 Tracker
Pass predictions BEIDOU 3M23 Pass predictions BEIDOU 3M23
Orbit launches 2019-09-22 (4 years ago)
Days in orbit 1701
Country/organisation of origin Chiny (PRC)
Starting point XICLF (Xichang Launch Facility, China)
Perigee 21503 km/h
Apogee 21553 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 54.45°
Laps per day 2
Height BEIDOU 3M23 21535.09 km

Additional information BEIDOU 3M23

The space program of the People's Republic of China is directed by the China National Space Administration (CNSA). Its technological roots can be traced back to the late 1950s, when China began a ballistic missile program in response to perceived American (and, later, Soviet) threats. However, the first Chinese crewed space program only began several decades later, when an accelerated program of technological development culminated in Yang Liwei's successful 2003 flight aboard Shenzhou 5. This achievement made China the third country to independently send humans into space. Plans currently include a permanent Chinese space station in 2020 and crewed expeditions to the Moon.
Officials have articulated long term ambitions to exploit Earth-Moon space for industrial development.

satellite BEIDOU 3M23 Date of exalting 22.09.2019y. Average height of ISS BEIDOU 3M23 hundred 21535.09 km. Average velocity BEIDOU 3M23 is 13605.73 km/s. Inclination BEIDOU 3M23 satellite 54.47°.



Average orbit height BEIDOU 3M23

Average velocity BEIDOU 3M23

Average inclination BEIDOU 3M23

Update time: 2024-05-19 18:37:08
Average height of ISS BEIDOU 3M23 is: 21535.09km
Average velocity BEIDOU 3M23 is: 13605.73km/s
Average orbit height BEIDOU 3M23 is: 54.47°
BEIDOU 3M23 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2019-09-22
BEIDOU 3M23 is from 1701 days Days in orbit.