Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
1228.12 km
Average height
26071.58 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information PALISADE - 2019-069A

Spacetrack Directory Name PALISADE
Alternative name 2019-069A
Pass predictions PALISADE Pass predictions PALISADE
Orbit launches 2019-10-17 (4 years ago)
Days in orbit 1662
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point RLLB (Rocket Lab Launch Base)
Perigee 1208 km/h
Apogee 1224 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 87.89°
Laps per day 13
Height PALISADE 1228.12 km

Additional information PALISADE

Built within only five months including a highly complex communications and in-orbit propulsion system payload. Technology demonstration satellite with on-board propulsion system, a next generation Astro Digital developed communications system, and software developed by Advanced Solutions Inc. including an advanced version of ASI?s MAX Flight Software.

The mission is named ?As The Crow Flies? in a nod to Astro Digital?s Corvus Platform, which provides flexible and cost-effective solutions across a wide range of applications and mission profiles on bus variants ranging from 6U and 16U CubeSats to ESPA Class. Corvus is also a widely-distributed genus of birds which includes crows.

satellite PALISADE Date of exalting 17.10.2019y. Average height of ISS PALISADE hundred 1228.12 km. Average velocity PALISADE is 26071.58 km/s. Inclination PALISADE satellite 87.89°.



Average orbit height PALISADE

Average velocity PALISADE

Average inclination PALISADE

Update time: 2024-05-05 08:08:09
Average height of ISS PALISADE is: 1228.12km
Average velocity PALISADE is: 26071.58km/s
Average orbit height PALISADE is: 87.89°
PALISADE a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2019-10-17
PALISADE is from 1662 days Days in orbit.