Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
413.74 km
Average height
27593.27 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information EXOCUBE 2 - 2021-002L

Spacetrack Directory Name EXOCUBE 2
Alternative name 2021-002L
Orbit launches 2021-01-17 g.20:19
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point WRAS
WWW Here
Perigee 477 km/h
Apogee 521 km
Height EXOCUBE 2 413.74 km

Additional information EXOCUBE 2

Acquiring in-situ densities of ions and neutrals in the upper ionosphere and lower exosphere. measure in-situ densities of selected ions and neutrals in the upper ionosphere and lower exosphere. These measurements will be used to characterize the climatology of the upper ionospheric and lower exospheric composition. They will help improve current empirical and climatological atmospheric models. The densities are measured using a gated time-of-flight mass spectrometer designed and built by NASA Goddard. ExoCube 2 uses a gated time-of-flight spectrometer developed by NASA Goddard. The ADCS includes deployable booms for gravity gradient stabilization and a reaction wheel mounted on the pitch axis to couple the roll and yaw axes.

satellite EXOCUBE 2 Date of exalting 17.01.2021y. Average height of ISS EXOCUBE 2 hundred 413.74 km. Average velocity EXOCUBE 2 is 27593.27 km/s. Inclination EXOCUBE 2 satellite 60.67°.

Average orbit height EXOCUBE 2

Average velocity EXOCUBE 2

Average inclination EXOCUBE 2

Update time: 2024-05-01 22:59:09
Average height of ISS EXOCUBE 2 is: 413.74km
Average velocity EXOCUBE 2 is: 27593.27km/s
Average orbit height EXOCUBE 2 is: 60.67°
EXOCUBE 2 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2021-01-17