Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
541.95 km
Average height
27334.04 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information CUTE-LASP - CUTE

Spacetrack Directory Name CUTE-LASP
Alternative name CUTE
Pass predictions CUTE-LASP Pass predictions CUTE-LASP
Orbit launches 2021-09-27 (2 years ago)
Days in orbit 950
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point AFWTR (Vandenberg Air Force Base, USA)
WWW Here
Perigee 549 km/h
Apogee 574 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.5°
Laps per day 15
Height CUTE-LASP 541.95 km

Additional information CUTE-LASP

Use near-ultraviolet (NUV) transmission spectroscopy from 255 to 330 nanometers (nm) to characterize the composition and mass-loss rates of exoplanet atmospheres. CUTE measures how the NUV light from the host star is changed as the exoplanet transits in front of the star and passes through the planet?s atmospheres. CUTE?s spectrally resolved lightcurve will provide constraints on the composition and escape rates of these atmospheres, and may provide the first concrete evidence for magnetic fields on extrasolar planets.\r\n\r\nThe mission goal is to train and educate students while conducting scientific research. This mission is similar to the CSSWE, MinXSS?1, MinXSS?2 and CSIM, which have gathered over 100 MB of data from amateur operators and were coordinated by the IARU. As has been the case in the past, we will be actively soliciting the telemetry from amateurs. The information provided by amateurs has been crucial for past missions, enabling us to detect instrument orbits and the Doppler?shifted communication frequencies and troubleshoot anomalies. It is common for all of our missions to have extensive student involvement during the design, building, testing, and operation of the instrument.

satellite CUTE-LASP Date of exalting 27.09.2021y. Average height of ISS CUTE-LASP hundred 541.95 km. Average velocity CUTE-LASP is 27334.04 km/s. Inclination CUTE-LASP satellite 97.53°.



Average orbit height CUTE-LASP

Average velocity CUTE-LASP

Average inclination CUTE-LASP

Frequency CUTE-LASP

In the table below we show the frequencies CUTE-LASP.

Downlink Mode Call sign
437.250/2402.000 Mhz 9k6*/19k2GMSK 1MbpsBPSK CUTE

Update time: 2024-05-04 23:06:06
Average height of ISS CUTE-LASP is: 541.95km
Average velocity CUTE-LASP is: 27334.04km/s
Average orbit height CUTE-LASP is: 97.53°
CUTE-LASP a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2021-09-27
CUTE-LASP is from 950 days Days in orbit.