Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
1217.94 km
Average height
26089.06 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information ONEWEB-0366 - ONEWEB P

Spacetrack Directory Name ONEWEB-0366
Alternative name ONEWEB P
Group OneWeb
Follow ONEWEB-0366 ONEWEB-0366 Tracker
Group follow OneWeb Tracker OneWeb
Pass predictions ONEWEB-0366 Pass predictions ONEWEB-0366
Orbit launches 2021-10-14 (2 years ago)
Days in orbit 945
Country/organisation of origin Anglia (UK)
Starting point VOSTO (Vostochny Cosmodrome)
Perigee 597 km/h
Apogee 609 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 87.9°
Laps per day 13
Height ONEWEB-0366 1217.94 km

Additional information ONEWEB-0366

Collect data to complement the Copernicus Sentinels and, in particular, to support the Copernicus Land and Marine Environment services using a state-of-the-art dual microwave payload as well as a multispectral optical payload. Demonstrate Inter-Satellite Links (ISL) with Laser Communication Payload.

satellite ONEWEB-0366 Date of exalting 14.10.2021y. Average height of ISS ONEWEB-0366 hundred 1217.94 km. Average velocity ONEWEB-0366 is 26089.06 km/s. Inclination ONEWEB-0366 satellite 87.9°.



Average orbit height ONEWEB-0366

Average velocity ONEWEB-0366

Average inclination ONEWEB-0366

Update time: 2024-05-16 14:32:08
Average height of ISS ONEWEB-0366 is: 1217.94km
Average velocity ONEWEB-0366 is: 26089.06km/s
Average orbit height ONEWEB-0366 is: 87.9°
ONEWEB-0366 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2021-10-14
ONEWEB-0366 is from 945 days Days in orbit.