Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
433.77 km
Average height
27554.24 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information TECHEDSAT 13 - 2022-003B

Spacetrack Directory Name TECHEDSAT 13
Alternative name 2022-003B
Follow TECHEDSAT 13 TECHEDSAT 13 Tracker
Pass predictions TECHEDSAT 13 Pass predictions TECHEDSAT 13
Orbit launches 2022-01-13 (2 years ago)
Days in orbit 844
Country/organisation of origin USA (US)
Starting point WRAS
Perigee 496 km/h
Apogee 503 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 44.98°
Laps per day 16
Height TECHEDSAT 13 433.77 km

Additional information TECHEDSAT 13

Latest in a series of NASA student-intern built spacecraft, will be used to test several technologies intended to help better track and identify CubeSats and other small spacecraft from the ground. \r\nTechEdSat-13, from NASA?s Ames Research Center in California?s Silicon Valley, is a 3U nanosatellite that carries a unique artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) module featuring the first orbital flight of a neuromorphic processor. This processor, the Intel Loihi, permits fast and efficient execution of AI/ML algorithms through a unique architecture that, in some ways, mimics the human brain.\r\nIn addition, there is a unique exo-atmospheric brake that will help rapidly de-orbit this and future nanosatellites. With this exo-brake technology, TechEdSat-13 will help address the accumulation and efficient disposal of orbital debris. This effort also helps to set the stage for autonomous navigation for nanosatellites to drop from orbit and reach their planned destination on Earth.

satellite TECHEDSAT 13 Date of exalting 13.01.2022y. Average height of ISS TECHEDSAT 13 hundred 433.77 km. Average velocity TECHEDSAT 13 is 27554.24 km/s. Inclination TECHEDSAT 13 satellite 44.99°.



Average orbit height TECHEDSAT 13

Average velocity TECHEDSAT 13

Average inclination TECHEDSAT 13

Frequency TECHEDSAT 13

In the table below we show the frequencies TECHEDSAT 13.

Update time: 2024-05-06 23:12:06
Average height of ISS TECHEDSAT 13 is: 433.77km
Average velocity TECHEDSAT 13 is: 27554.24km/s
Average orbit height TECHEDSAT 13 is: 44.99°
TECHEDSAT 13 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2022-01-13
TECHEDSAT 13 is from 844 days Days in orbit.