Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
432.31 km
Average height
27555.56 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information NOUR 02 - 2022-024A

Spacetrack Directory Name NOUR 02
Alternative name 2022-024A
Follow NOUR 02 NOUR 02 Tracker
Pass predictions NOUR 02 Pass predictions NOUR 02
Orbit launches 2022-03-08 g.01:00 (2 years ago)
Days in orbit 781
Country/organisation of origin Iran (IRAN)
Starting point SMTS (Shahrud Missile Test Site)
Perigee 495 km/h
Apogee 513 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 58.26°
Laps per day 16
Height NOUR 02 432.31 km

Additional information NOUR 02

Provides the Iranian elite force with the capability to monitor Earth from space.

satellite NOUR 02 Date of exalting 08.03.2022y. Average height of ISS NOUR 02 hundred 432.31 km. Average velocity NOUR 02 is 27555.56 km/s. Inclination NOUR 02 satellite 58.28°.



Average orbit height NOUR 02

Average velocity NOUR 02

Average inclination NOUR 02

Update time: 2024-04-27 07:47:08
Average height of ISS NOUR 02 is: 432.31km
Average velocity NOUR 02 is: 27555.56km/s
Average orbit height NOUR 02 is: 58.28°
NOUR 02 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2022-03-08
NOUR 02 is from 781 days Days in orbit.