Spacetrack Directory Number
Orbit launches
441.74 km
Average height
27534.32 km/h
Average velocity

Satellite information KAI 1 - 2022-096J

Spacetrack Directory Name KAI 1
Alternative name 2022-096J
Follow KAI 1 KAI 1 Tracker
Pass predictions KAI 1 Pass predictions KAI 1
Orbit launches 2022-08-09 g.02:00 (one year ago)
Days in orbit 663
Country/organisation of origin Commonwealth of Independent States (former USSR) (CIS)
Starting point TYMSC (Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan)
WWW Here
Perigee 490 km/h
Apogee 494 km
Orbit slope (inclination) 97.4°
Laps per day 16
Height KAI 1 441.74 km

Additional information KAI 1

16 different satellite missions within the framework of the Space-PI project with the participation of students and schoolchildren.\r\n The small spacecraft "KAI-1" is the first school satellite from Tatarstan. Engineers of the NILAKT DOSAAF company (Kaluga) and students of the Engineering Lyceum-Boarding School of KNRTU-KAI worked on its creation. Students and employees of the Institute of Radio Electronics, Photonics and Digital Technologies of KNRTU-KAI took part in the creation of the payload.  \r\n KAI-1 is needed to fix the meteorological situation and conduct remote sensing. He conducts synchronous shooting from five cameras and transmits images to the ground complex. In the future, a panorama of the space around the satellite will be made from the images. Also, a temperature meter based on fiber-optic sensors is tested on board in space conditions.

satellite KAI 1 Date of exalting 09.08.2022y. Average height of ISS KAI 1 hundred 441.74 km. Average velocity KAI 1 is 27534.32 km/s. Inclination KAI 1 satellite 97.4°.



Average orbit height KAI 1

Average velocity KAI 1

Average inclination KAI 1

Frequency KAI 1

In the table below we show the frequencies KAI 1.

Downlink Mode Call sign
435.665*/435.765 MHz 1k2AFSK 2k4*FSK RS26S
435.665 MHz FSK
435.765 MHz FSK

Update time: 2024-06-02 13:10:09
Average height of ISS KAI 1 is: 441.74km
Average velocity KAI 1 is: 27534.32km/s
Average orbit height KAI 1 is: 97.4°
KAI 1 a new group of Starlink satellites has been launched 2022-08-09
KAI 1 is from 663 days Days in orbit.