Xinlin Jiang

Jiang Xinlin is a Chinese pilot and astronaut selected as part of the Shenzhou program. He enlisted in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Air Forces in September 2006, and joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in January 2010.

Astronaut 022

Passenger on Galactic 05.

Kellie Gerardi

Kellie Gerardi is an American aerospace, defense, and technology professional and a popular science communicator.

Sol Alan Stern

Sol Alan Stern is an American engineer and planetary scientist. He is the principal investigator of the New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Chief Scientist at Moon Express.

Marina Vasilevskaya

Belarusian flight attendant selected to fly on Soyuz MS-25 and spend approximately 12 days onboard the International Space Station.

VG Astronaut 018

Trevor Beattie is a British advertising executive. He is a founding partner, chairman and creative director of Beattie McGuinness Bungay (BMB), and was formerly the chairman and creative director of TBWA London.

VG Astronaut 019

Namira Salim born in Karachi, is a Pakistani polar adventurer, future astronaut and artist based in Monaco and Dubai.

VG Astronaut 017

Ron Rosano is a seasoned space enthusiast and educator with a remarkable 25-year journey inspiring students about space travel. He's slated to fly with Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, Space Perspective, and World View, underscoring his ...

Marcus Wandt

Marcus Wandt is a Swedish test pilot and member of the European Space Agency's 2022 astronaut class reserve.

Ken Baxter

Ken "Rocket Man" Baxter (born May 15, 1949) is a real estate investor who purchased the first ticket sold to a civilian to be a passenger on Virgin Galactic in 2004.

Adrian Reynard

Adrian John Reynard is the founder of Reynard Motorsport, which was a successful racing car manufacturer before it went bankrupt in 2002.

Timothy Nash

Passenger on Virgin Galactic 03 launch

Keisha Schahaff

Passenger on Galactic-02, winners of Space for Humanity draw.

Jon Goodwin

Passenger on Virgins Galactic "Galactic-02" Mission

Kelly Latimer

Pilot working for Virgin Galactic. First Spaceflight during the Galactic-02 Mission.

Anastatia Mayers

Passenger on Galactic-02, winners of Space for Humanity draw.

Alper Gezeravci

Fighter pilot trained on F16, first Turkish astronaut.

Haichao Gui

Gui Haichao is a Chinese pilot, researcher and professor selected as part of the Shenzhou program. He did nor enlist in the People's Liberation Army (PLA), but was still was selected as a taikonaut, whereas all earlier known taikonauts ...

Yangzhu Zhu

Zhu Yangzhu is a Chinese pilot and astronaut selected as part of the Shenzhou program. He enlisted in the People's Liberation Army (PLA) in September 2005, and joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in December 2006.

Jamila Gilbert

Virgin Galactic internal communications lead

Czym się różni kosmonauta od astronauty?

Kosmonauta i astronauta to synonimy, czyli teoretycznie możemy używać ich wymiennie, ale tradycyjnie nazywamy ludzi wyniesionych w kosmos przez amerykanów astronautami, a przez rosjan kosmonautami, niezależnie jakich narodowości byli. Czyli Amerykanie, Kanadyjczycy, Japończycy, Włosi, Francuzi i Niemcy latający z amerykanami to astronauci. Natomiast generała Hermaszewskiego, jedynego (jak dotąd) Polaka w Kosmosie, nazywa się kosmonautą bo poleciał w ramach radzieckiego programu kosmicznego.

Tajkonauta (taikonauta)

A co z chińczykami? Na zachodzie chińczyków w kosmosie nazywają taikonautami. Co ciekawe słowo tajkonuta, z chińskiego "taikong" (czyli przestrzeń kosmiczna) wymyślił najprawdopodobniej dla żartu pod koniec lat 90. malezyjski fan lotów kosmicznych i posłużył się nim w tekście internetowym, co podchwyciły zachodnie media. Sami Chińczycy mówią o swoim astronaucie – yuhangyuan.