Ali AlQarni

Ali AlQarni is an astronaut representing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and serving as a mission specialist on the Ax-2 mission. AlQarni graduated with a Bachelor of Aerospace Science from King Faisal Air Academy. AlQarni is an Air Force captain and ...

John McFall

John has a background in sports and exercise science. He completed his bachelor’s degree from Swansea University, UK, in 2004, and his master’s degree from University of Wales Institute in Cardiff, UK, in 2005.  In 2014, John graduated with a ...

Marco Alain Sieber

In 2009, Marco joined the paratrooper training with the Swiss Special Forces Commando at the Swiss Army, where he achieved the military rank of Sergeant. In 2015, he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Bern, ...

Sophie Adenot

Between 2001 and 2003, Sophie studied engineering and graduated from ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse, France, where she specialised in spacecraft and aircraft flight dynamics. She then completed a Master of Science in human factors engineering at MIT – ...

Pablo Álvarez Fernández

Pablo holds a bachelor's degree in aeronautical engineering from the University of León (Universidad de León), Spain, and graduated with a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika ...

Raphaël Liégeois

Raphaël studied biomedical engineering at the University of Liège, Belgium, from 2005 to 2011. He also became Ingénieur Centralien as part of a double degree exchange programme with the École Centrale Paris, France, in 2009 and earned a master’s ...

Zhang Lu

Zhang Lu is a Chinese pilot selected in 2010 to be an astronaut.

Rosemary Coogan

Rosemary holds two master’s degrees from the University of Durham, UK. She completed her undergraduate master’s degree of Physics in 2013 which focused on physics, mathematics, computer programming and astronomy. In 2015, she received her ...


This Snoopy plushie serves as zero-G indicator on the Artemis-1 mission.

Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep is the main character of the eponymous British stop-motion TV show. This plushie serves as zero-G indicator on the Artemis-1 mission.


Mannequin used as part of the DLR MARE radiations measurement experiment.


Mannequin used as part of the DLR MARE radiations measurement experiment.

Commander Moonikin Campos

Commander Moonikin Campos is an Anthropomorphic Test Device (ATD), named as a homage to to Arturo Campos, a key player in bringing Apollo 13 safely back to Earth.

Sultan Al Neyadi

Sultan AlNeyadi is one of the first two astronauts from the United Arab Emirates, along with Hazza Al Mansouri.

Steve Young

Steve Young is the former CEO of Young’s Communications LLC (Y-COM), the largest telecommunications contractor in the state of Florida under his leadership from 1992 to 2021.

Sara Sabry

Sara is an Egyptian mechanical and biomedical engineer, and founder of Deep Space Initiative (DSI), a nonprofit aiming to increase accessibility for space research. She became Egypt’s first female analog astronaut in 2021 after completing a ...

Coby Cotton

Coby is one of the five cofounders of the YouTube channel Dude Perfect, which he co-founded with his college roommates Garrett Hilbert, Tyler Toney, Cody Jones, and his brother, Cory Cotton.

Clint Kelly III

Clint managed research and technology programs focused primarily on computer science and robotics while in government and in industry. In 1984, he started the Autonomous Land Vehicle project while at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ...

Vanessa O’Brien

Vanessa Audi Rhys O'Brien is a British and American mountaineer, explorer, aquanaut, author and former business executive. On June 12, 2020, O'Brien became the first woman to reach Earth's highest and lowest points, receiving a ...

Mário Ferreira

Mário is a Portuguese entrepreneur, investor, and President of Pluris Investments Group, which includes more than 40 companies spanning tourism, media (TV and radio), real estate, insurance, and renewable energy.

Czym się różni kosmonauta od astronauty?

Kosmonauta i astronauta to synonimy, czyli teoretycznie możemy używać ich wymiennie, ale tradycyjnie nazywamy ludzi wyniesionych w kosmos przez amerykanów astronautami, a przez rosjan kosmonautami, niezależnie jakich narodowości byli. Czyli Amerykanie, Kanadyjczycy, Japończycy, Włosi, Francuzi i Niemcy latający z amerykanami to astronauci. Natomiast generała Hermaszewskiego, jedynego (jak dotąd) Polaka w Kosmosie, nazywa się kosmonautą bo poleciał w ramach radzieckiego programu kosmicznego.

Tajkonauta (taikonauta)

A co z chińczykami? Na zachodzie chińczyków w kosmosie nazywają taikonautami. Co ciekawe słowo tajkonuta, z chińskiego "taikong" (czyli przestrzeń kosmiczna) wymyślił najprawdopodobniej dla żartu pod koniec lat 90. malezyjski fan lotów kosmicznych i posłużył się nim w tekście internetowym, co podchwyciły zachodnie media. Sami Chińczycy mówią o swoim astronaucie – yuhangyuan.