Coby Cotton

Coby is one of the five cofounders of the YouTube channel Dude Perfect, which he co-founded with his college roommates Garrett Hilbert, Tyler Toney, Cody Jones, and his brother, Cory Cotton.

Clint Kelly III

Clint managed research and technology programs focused primarily on computer science and robotics while in government and in industry. In 1984, he started the Autonomous Land Vehicle project while at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ...

Vanessa O’Brien

Vanessa Audi Rhys O'Brien is a British and American mountaineer, explorer, aquanaut, author and former business executive. On June 12, 2020, O'Brien became the first woman to reach Earth's highest and lowest points, receiving a ...

Mário Ferreira

Mário is a Portuguese entrepreneur, investor, and President of Pluris Investments Group, which includes more than 40 companies spanning tourism, media (TV and radio), real estate, insurance, and renewable energy.

Nikolai Chub

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Chub (Николай Александрович Чуб) is a Russian cosmonaut. He was selected to cosmonaut corps in 2012. ISS-69 expedition will be the first spaceflight for Chub.

Andrei Fedyaev

Andrei Valerievich Fedyaev (Андрей Валерьевич Федяев) is a Russian cosmonaut. He was a military pilot prior to retiring from Air Force in 2013, and was selected as a cosmonaut in 2012. ISS-69 expedition will be Fedyaev's first spaceflight.

Cai Xuzhe

Chinese astronaut from the CNSA Group-2 selection (2010).

Hamish Harding

Hamish was Chairman of Action Aviation, a business jet brokerage company he founded in 2004, and also a business jet pilot. In 2019, he and former International Space Station Commander Col. Terry Virts broke the Round-the-World record in a ...

Jaison Robinson

Jaison founded JJM Investments, a commercial real estate company, and co-founded Dream Variations Ventures (DVV) with his wife, Jamie. DVV invests in technology and sports start-ups. He’s an avid scuba diver and skydiver, has broken the sound ...

Victor Vescovo

Victor is a co-founder of private equity investment firm Insight Equity. He has completed the “Explorer’s Grand Slam,” which includes summiting the world’s seven summits and skiing to the North and South Poles. In 2020, he became the first person ...

Victor Correa Hespanha

Victor is a civil production engineer from Minas Gerais (Brazil).

Katya Echazarreta

Katya was born in Guadalajara, Mexico. She is the co-host of the YouTube series "Netflix IRL" and "Electric Kat" on the CBS show "Mission Unstoppable.” Katya is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in electrical and ...

Gary Lai

Gary Lai is the Chief Architect of Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket and capsule. DoB unknown.

Marty Allen

Marty Allen is a turnaround CEO and angel investor.

Pete Davidson

Pete Davidson joined the cast of Saturday Night Live in 2014. In 2020, he co-wrote and starred in the semi-autobiographical film The King of Staten Island, which also earned a nomination for The Comedy Movie Star of 2020 at the 46th People’s ...

Sharon Hagle

Sharon Hagle founded SpaceKids Global in 2015, a nonprofit whose mission is to inspire students to excel in STEAM+ education with a focus on empowering young girls. SpaceKids hosts several annual challenges designed to inspire kids to pursue ...

Marc Hagle

Marc Hagle is president and CEO of Tricor International, a residential and commercial property development corporation.

Jim Kitchen

Jim Kitchen is a teacher, entrepreneur, and world explorer who has visited all 193 U.N.-recognized countries.

George Nield

Dr. George Nield is the president of Commercial Space Technologies, LLC, which he founded to encourage, facilitate, and promote commercial space activities. He previously served as associate administrator for the Federal Aviation Administration ...

Scott Poteet

Scott “Kidd” Poteet is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who served 20 years in various roles that include Commander of the 64th Aggressor Squadron, USAF Thunderbird #4 Demonstration Pilot, USAF Weapons School Graduate, ...

What is the difference between a cosmonaut and an astronaut?

Cosmonaut and astronaut are synonyms, that is, theoretically we can use them interchangeably, but traditionally we call people launched into space by the Americans astronauts and by the Russians cosmonauts, regardless of what nationalities they were. That is, Americans, Canadians, Japanese, Italians, French and Germans flying with Americans are astronauts. In contrast, General Hermaszewski, the only (so far) Pole in Space, is called a cosmonaut because he flew as part of the Soviet space program.

Taikonauta (taikonauta)

A co z chińczykami? Na zachodzie chińczyków w kosmosie nazywają taikonautami. Co ciekawe słowo tajkonuta, z chińskiego "taikong" (czyli przestrzeń kosmiczna) wymyślił najprawdopodobniej dla żartu pod koniec lat 90. malezyjski fan lotów kosmicznych i posłużył się nim w tekście internetowym, co podchwyciły zachodnie media. Sami Chińczycy mówią o swoim astronaucie – yuhangyuan.